On-Demand income calculator

The table below provides an overview of your income level compared to the hourly rate when using our On-Demand model. This table provides gross income and assumes a full working month.

Hourly rate€ 80€ 85€ 90€ 95€ 100
Turnover€ 13.840 € 14.705€ 15.570€ 16.435 € 17.300
Your (pre-tax) income€ 8.996 € 9.558€ 10.121€ 10.683 € 11.245

The only costs that will be substracted from your gross income are the ones for secondary benefits: traveling costs, laptop, telephone, pension and any additional sick leave insurance. It is up to you to choose these benefits, thus allowing you maximum freedom in how to receive your income.

If you want to know all the nitty gritty details concerning the On-Demand model this page will answer all your questions.

If you still have questions, or would like to know how the On-Demand model would work in your specific situation, don’t hesitate to leave your info below. We will contact you as soon as possible.