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The Eonics Academy is the place for self-development and knowledge sharing.

Sfeerbeeld harsh voor whiteboard

At Eonics we never stands still. We continue to develop ourselves both technically and personally. For example, we have our own online learning environment, in-house coaching, and knowledge-sharing meetings.

Sfeerbeeld man achter laptop


Whether you are just starting your career or already a seasoned developer, expanding your knowledge and being up to date on recent developments will always be important. In the Eonics Academy we facilitate getting the latest certification in groups.

Open Hack Night 19 - Static Site Generation met Hugo sfeerbeeld


With a long history going back over 5 years our Hacknights are widely known throughout the region. It’s a fun place to learn knew stuff where developers from inside and outside Eonics get a chance to mingle and have fun.

Check our hack night page for the latest info, or watch some of the old ones on YouTube.

Illustratie kroon groen

Tech Events

To ensure we keep up to date and have fun with colleagues we also regularly visit conferences like JFall or FOSDEM. Will you join next time?

See our Event-page for the latest information.

Sfeerbeeld collega's overleggen tijdens het werk

Dutch classes

We help our expat employees to learn Dutch. This helps them reach their full potential in working in the Dutch IT market in terms of potential clients and hourly rate.

We combine online-classes with our own in-person language course where you get to practice together with colleagues!

Want to know more

Do you have questions about the Eonics Academy or can’t wait to visit one of our Hacknights? Leave your info below and we will contact you as soon as possible.