Eonics offers 3 unique ways to work, so you will find the ideal balance between freedom and security. Note that you can even switch between these different types at any time.

Sfeerbeeld van jongedame die werkt op de bank achter een laptop

Fixed & Flexible

Do you prefer predictability and stability? A great salary and awesome secondary benefits? Then Eonics Fixed & Flexible is perfect for you!

Learn more about Fixed & Flexible

Illustratie kroon groen

On-Demand model

Do you want maximum freedom to choose between a fixed income and one based on your hourly rate at the client? Our unique On-Demand model might be just what you’re looking for!

Learn more about the On-Demand model

Sfeerbeeld van een kopje koffie


Are you ready for ultimate freedom? Choose our Road-to-Freelancer program and we help you to become an independent freelancer. With our tailored program and extensive experience we help you get everything sorted, including your first assignment as an independent contractor.

Learn more about Road-to-Freelancer

Not sure yet which way of working would fit you best? No problem, just leave your contact details below so we can talk about it and explain all the pro’s and cons.

Our clients include: