Dive Deep into Domain-Driven Design at Our Upcoming Hack Night

Get ready for an exhilarating evening of learning and hands-on experience at our next open hack night, where we will delve into the compelling world of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and explore the practicalities of Behavior-Driven Development (BDD).

Banner open hack night #40

Event Overview

  • Introduction to Domain-Driven Design
  • Workshop on Behavior-Driven Development
  • Collaborative Coding & networking

Master Domain-Driven Design

The evening will kick off with an interactive session on Domain-Driven Design, a methodology renowned for its focus on aligning software with core business concepts. Our expert speaker Parsa will guide you through the basics. This session is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in DDD, enabling you to architect software that expertly reflects business needs and adapts to change effectively.

Hands-on Behavior-Driven Development Workshop

Following the DDD introduction, we’ll transition into a hands-on workshop on Behavior-Driven Development. BDD is a pioneering approach that enhances communication between developers, QA, and non-technical stakeholders by using simple, domain-specific language to describe system behaviors. You’ll learn how to write BDD test cases and implement them using popular frameworks. This practical workshop will not only introduce you to the principles of BDD but also allow you to apply them in real coding exercises.

Who Should Attend?

  • Developers looking to enhance their design and testing skills.
  • Technical leads and architects wanting to implement DDD and BDD in their projects.
  • Anyone interested in modern development methodologies that promote better communication and product accuracy.

Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops, set up with their favorite coding environment, and be ready to dive into code. Prior exposure to basic software development concepts will be helpful, but enthusiasm for learning is the most important tool!

Join Us!

Don’t miss out on this night of learning, coding, and networking. Enhance your skills, meet like-minded professionals, and take your development projects to the next level.

Attendance is free as always, we will also arrange drinks & food for all attendees.

We’re excited to see what you’ll create as you apply domain-driven insights and behavior-driven techniques. Sign up below to secure your free spot at this must-attend event!