Everything about the On-Demand model

How does switching between a fixed salary and sharing in your hourly rate work?

  • With an on-demand contract, you have a switching moment every three months. At that time, you can switch between sharing in your hourly rate or the fixed salary.
  • Six weeks before your switching moment, you will automatically receive an email from the back office. If you do not respond, your current choice remains in effect. If you want to switch, you indicate this by responding to this message within a period of two weeks.
  • When you start sharing in your hourly rate, you will receive only your base salary in the first month, since your variable salary is based on the billable hours of the previous month. This is compensated when you return to a fixed salary. At that time, you will receive a double payment in the first month: your fixed salary plus your variable salary from the last month in which you shared in your hourly rate.
  • Your variable salary is always paid out for the previous month and is calculated as follows: 65% x your billable hours x your hourly rate – all business expenses from the previous month.

How does it work with vacation days?

  • When you choose a fixed salary with an on-demand contract, you are entitled to 25 vacation days per year, based on a full-time employment of 40 hours. You can take these vacation days during periods with a fixed salary. In addition, you can take extra unpaid leave in consultation with both us and your client.
  • If you choose to share in your hourly rate, it’s simple: if you don’t work, you don’t receive income. You can take unlimited days off, of course in consultation with the client and us. But keep in mind that you will not receive any income for these days.

How does it work if I get sick?

  • If you get sick during a period with a fixed salary, you will be paid according to that salary. In case of long-term illness, you follow the usual process with the health service and keep receiving the fixed salary.
  • When you get sick during a period in which you share in your hourly rate, the following applies:
    In most cases, you are sick for a few days, so you miss the income from these days in your next variable monthly income.
  • If you are long-term sick and do not work any hours for an entire month, you will always receive the base salary. This applies throughout the illness period unless you have taken out additional insurance.
  • If you are long-term sick and have chosen the ‘security’ option as extra sick leave insurance, you retain the switching moments as established in your contract. You can return to a fixed salary during your illness period. Until that moment, you receive the base salary.
  • If you choose the ‘extra security’ option as additional sick leave insurance, you will automatically switch back to your fixed salary after 20 working days.

Which costs are paid by Eonics?

  • when sharing in your hourly rate the following costs are paid by Eonics and not deducted from your 65%:
    • Social employer contributions, these are the premiums for national insurances such as AOW and AnW, employee insurances like WW, WAO and ZW, and the Healthcare Insurance Act.
    • Business liability insurance
    • Arbodienst
    • Basic option for sick leave coverage
    • Administrative costs
    • Costs for outings and events
  • Please note: with other providers, you have to pay much of these costs from your share. Therefore, our 65% is more favorable than the 70% – 75% of some other providers.

Which costs are paid from my 65% when sharing in my hourly rate?

  • The fringe benefits are paid from the 65% variable salary that is paid out to you. The back office calculates this before paying your salary.
  • Each month, the following costs are deducted from your 65%:
    • Depreciation of phone & laptop
    • Mobile subscription
    • Transportation costs
    • Lease car (if applicable)
    • Pension
    • Training costs
    • Holiday pay reservation
      The amount remaining after deducting these costs is paid out as your variable salary.

The amount remaining after deducting these costs is paid out as your variable salary.

How does it work with a lease car when sharing in my hourly rate?

The full cost of your lease car is paid from your variable income. This means that every month, all costs related to your lease car are calculated by the back office and deducted from your 65%.

How does it work with holiday pay?

Holiday pay is paid out monthly.

What are the other options besides the On-Demand work model?

  • If you find that you have different needs than what the on-demand contract offers, you can always contact the back office. They will schedule a meeting to discuss. Afterward, an offer for a Fixed & Flexible contract will follow.
  • If you want to spread your wings and have freelance ambitions, you can contact the back office. They schedule a meeting in which it is discussed whether the Road to Freelancer trajectory suits you.

In case you have any remaining questions please get in touch with backoffice.

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