Do you want maximum freedom, while still being sure of a top notch salary? Then the Eonics On-Demand model is made for you.

Sfeerbeeld Harsh voor een bord

On-Demand: the best model

With the On-Demand model, you choose whether you want to share in your hourly rate or receive a fixed salary. In this way, you maximize your earnings during a good assignment, and you never have financial stress, for example when you are momentarily between two assignments.

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Maximize your income

When you choose to base your income on your hourly rate, your salary is dependent on the hours worked at the client. You will get 65% of this revenue! The perfect way to make the most of a well-paid assignment.

When you share in your hourly rate, your income depends your rate and the amount of hours you work: 65% of generated income is for you!

We do not pass on any mandated employer taxes to you and do not charge administration fees. This means that our 65% is better than the 70-75% that other providers offer.

See this page to gain more insight into the exact calculations.

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Great fixed salary

Eonics is the only provider that combines sharing in your hourly rate with a great fixed salary: the choice is yours. Do you need more income stability, for example for a mortgage application or a long vacation? Then you simply switch from sharing in your hourly rate to your fixed salary!

Man achter laptop sfeerbeeld

No non-compete or other restrictions

At Eonics we believe in: “what you see is what you get”. We will never include any non-compete clause in our contracts, or any other limiting rules for that matter. Your contract is clear, readable and no-nonsense.

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Working anywhere

Our Eonics HQ is at The Hague, but our employees live throughout the Netherlands. No problem because you can work anywhere! You are always welcome at HQ, but you can also work remote from home or we’ll find you a flex spot anywhere convenient for you.

Sfeerbeeld Jan Peter loopt de deur uit


We believe in transparancy. Many claim this, but we truly deliver. This means everything that you might want to know about our On-Demand model can be found on this page.

Pretty cool right?

If you also want to know how the On-Demand model could work for you: please leave your details below, then we will be in touch with you shortly.

Our clients include: